How To Reach Any Guitar Teaching, Music Career Or Guitar Playing Goal Quickly
December 17, 2018
Tom Hess in Advice, Career, Education, career advice, guitar, learning, music career

It’s very easy to become a massively successful professional musician, guitar instructor or guitar player when you follow these three steps:

Step 1. You Need To Know What “To” Do 

It’s challenging to understand precisely what you need to be doing to reach your specific goals as a guitarist, guitar teacher or musician while learning everything by yourself. Although there exists tons of information on the internet, it’s almost impossible to understand what is right or wrong when you don’t have the help of a teacher, mentor or coach (find out more about this below).

Once you understand the correct things you need to do, you are able to stop relying on trial-and-error. This makes reaching your musical goals as simple as consistently apply and implementing the things you know.

Step 2. You Need To Know What “Not” To Do

There is a ton of misinformation out there coming from people who have not achieved success at what they do. These are guitarists who use inefficient practice methods, guitar teachers who don’t know how to keep their students or musicians who fail to make a secure living in their careers.

Learning more about the reasons why these people fail increases your ability to NOT go down the same path.

Step 3. You Need To Know The Order In Which To Do Things

The “right order” refers to the priority in which you must improve your guitar playing skills, develop effective guitar teaching methods and take certain actions to grow your music career. Different actions have different priority levels. The priority of every action you take is determined by your unique guitar playing, guitar teaching or music career goals.

You Must Have A Mentor To Guide You Through Every Step

Working with an expert mentor who has helped tons of others reach their highest musical goals is essential for fast, efficient growth. When you work together with a mentor, you avoid wasting time on the things that don’t lead you directly to your goals. You understand precisely what you need to do, what you need to NOT do and the order in which you need to do things to succeed as fast as possible.

When all of these aspects are in place, achieving your goals becomes effortless.

Want to quickly achieve all your goals as a musician and guitar player? Click over to this page with musician improvement articles to understand the particular things you must do to become a massively successful professional musician, guitar instructor or guitar player.


About The Author:
Tom Hess is a guitar teacher, composer and a touring musician. He trains guitar teachers to be successful in his guitar teaching program. Go to to get more guitar teacher resources and read more guitar teaching articles.

Article originally appeared on Music Think Tank (
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