How To Start Your Own Independent Music Career
December 12, 2019
Lizzie Weakley in Advice, Career, Career, DIY, Independent, identity, network

Kick-starting an independent music career is an exciting prospect, but it demands unwavering ambition and ample insight. If you’re considering pursuing a career in this industry, here are some helpful suggestions that’ll set you up for success.

Establish Your Identity

Branding yourself is at the heart of entrepreneurial success. In the hopes of attracting your desired audience, it’s crucial to mold your identity. Not only will this inspire the public to get to know you, but it’ll also give you the chance to refine your sound and image. Consider what your story is and how it will influence others. When you discover what makes you tick, you’ll naturally begin to flourish.


In the music industry, success hinges primarily on connections. For independent artists, networking is especially important. Without the appropriate contacts, you’ll have difficulty forging collaborative partnerships. With that said, make it a point to get active in your niche. Even the most insignificant interactions could prove beneficial in the long run. Music is a community-oriented space, so don’t be afraid to get out there.

Invest in the Appropriate Equipment

Without the necessary equipment, your endeavors will fall short. From microphones and acoustic panels to monitors and diffusers, the items you’ll need are vast. This equipment is notoriously pricey, so you may have to get creative with your fundraising efforts. From asking friends and family members to finding support on a crowdfunding platform, there are numerous avenues you can explore to help raise funds.

Don’t Quit Your Day Job

While your talent may be irrefutable, it may take some time to get discovered. Until that happens, it’s prudent to find other ways to augment your income. While expanding your savings, you’ll be able to make a living while doing the thing you love. As your music career begins to take off, you’ll have the confidence and money that you need to thrive on your own.

Perform As Often As Possible

If you score unpaid gigs, take them. As a result, you’ll improve your craft, get comfortable in front of a crowd, and boost your confidence. Live performances can be incredibly rewarding, and you’re bound to make money from them eventually. When these opportunities arise, don’t shy away from them.

The only surefire way to succeed as an independent musician is to avail yourself of sound advice. While dipping your toes in the water, heed the above recommendations.

Article originally appeared on Music Think Tank (
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