FAILURE VS.SUCCESS - Your Music Career
May 23, 2013
Sean Carbone in Advice, Artist Development, Band Marketing, Breaking into the industry, DIY Artist, DIY Promotion, DIY Promotions, Investing In Your Music, a career in music, earn a living playing live music, make a liviing in music, make money in music, music success


Get used to the word “no”. You’re going to hear it a lot. But all it takes is a “YES” or two and you’ll be on your way.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help either. You may find a patron saint out there who would love to be a hero. It happens more than you’d think.

You will run into disappointment. That’s a fact. But, don’t let that deter you. Remember, you can only measure your success by comparing it to your failures. Some of the biggest names in music failed miserably before they succeeded.

The BEATLES were rejected by plenty of record labels. In a famous rejection letter, the Decca record label said, “”We don’t like their sound, and guitar music is on the way out. They have no future in show business.” Ooooops!

ELVIS PRESLEY got fired after his first performance. In 1954 the manager of the Grand Ole Opry, fired Elvis after just one performance telling him, “You ain’t goin’ nowhere, son. You ought to go back to driven’ a truck.” Elvis went on to become a rock and roll legend and one of the greatest influential artists of all time.

So, if you fail at first, you’re in good company. Just know that opinion are like a-holes. Everyone’s got one. Opinion is not fact. Take chances and don’t let a few disappointments weigh you down. They are part of your success.


Sean Carbone is a music entrepreneur and publisher of How To Be A Successful Working Musician - an step-by-step  audio course on how to make a living with your music. Get more info and a FREE Resource Guide HERE

Article originally appeared on Music Think Tank (
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