Musicians: How to Get More Likes, Subscribes and Shares Using Newtons First Law
March 6, 2013
Corey Koehler in Band Marketing, DIY Promotions, Investing In Your Music, Marketing, Music Strategy, email marketing, guerilla marketing, make money in music, music marketing

I just read an article on Marketing Prof’s about a technique that will make it easier for us musicians to get new and existing fans to like, share and maybe even buy more of our music and merch.

To explain, I am going to reference physics (please note that I am really not this smart but this is what came to mind when reading this article). Anyway, if you’ve ever had a basic physics class, you might remember something about Newtons First Law that says that objects in motion tend to stay in motion, the same is true for consumers online as well.

Once you get someone to take an action, you have a nearly 100% chance to get them to take another action immediately following that action.

For instance if you have a mailing list and you get someone to sign up, there is a very good chance (nearly 100%) that you can get them to do something else immediately following the sign up. Something like, “Like” you on Facebook or Subscribe to your YouTube channel or share your music with 3 friends. The list is endless.

Hell, if you really wanted to go for it, you could offer an album or piece of merch for a special price that they can only get if they take action right now.

I think you get the picture (if not hit me up in the comments or shoot me an email).

Implementing this shouldn’t be two difficult if you are using a quality email service. The two email services that I use - Mailchimp and Aweber - make it pretty easy. You would just need to insert your message and a link (or code) into a “Welcome” or “Confirmation” page or message.

There you have it. If you want a better explanation or you are little skeptical, here is the Marketing Prof’s article. They break it down very well.

Otherwise, let’s chat about it in the comments below. What are your thoughts? How can you use this technique?

Corey Koehler is a Minnesota singer-songwriter who shares his experience on how to make money with music over on

Article originally appeared on Music Think Tank (
See website for complete article licensing information.