How To Leverage Radio/Tv Interviews And Convert Listeners Of The Show Into Fans
January 12, 2015
Mike Rubini

Hi there!
This is Mike and I run a digital marketing agency that exclusively serves jazz musicians and brands. 

My typical client would be a musician who has a team behind him/her. In my opinion that is crucial to success.  In fact, in my day to day work I coordinate with other team members, specifically marketers and promoters. However, this is not a guide on the importance of having a team. Today I will teach you how to leverage radio interviews and convert listeners of the show into fans.

Lately, interview opportunities are quite often for my clients and I would like to leverage those opportunities from a marketing perspective. If you are getting interviews, this would be helpful for you.

Ok, so the idea is: the interview will probably reach a point where the interviewer will ask the interviewee (you, the musician!) about his/her availability on the web for the audience.

Now what everybody does is: they basically share the url of their website (which is better than nothing).

Some other musicians decide to share their social media information. You do not want to do that, unless you have systems in place on your social channels to grab visitor’s basic information. In fact, you don’t have full control on your social channels and it would be far more difficult to reach those visitors whether they decide to follow you or not.

Instead, what I suggest is: creating a custom page on the artist’s website with an incredible offer and call to action for the listeners of that radio. Then, when the time comes in the interview, you share a special link to that page.

Sample Script

Interviewer: So [musician’s name] where on the web should listeners find you?
Musician: My team created a special page specifically for your listeners. If they go to: they will be able to download 3 songs for free from my latest cd, including “[insert name of most popular/relevant song - this could be a song they already listened on the show]”. This is completely free for them; it’s a gift for you and your audience, [radio host’s name]. Every song comes in hi-quality audio so that your listeners can just drink a cup of tea, sit back and relax while listening to music!! =)

Then listeners will hopefully go to that url. What will do listeners find at that url?
Well, it’s clever to create a special personalized page in advance (before the interview) with an email opt-in to access all the products.
Here is what the page should look like:

Cheryl Sample LeadPage

When the visitor will click on “Download Songs” this window shows up:

Cheryl Sample LeadPage 2

You can either build this page manually (if you know how to code), use awesome services out there like LeadPagesUnbounce, etc or having someone create it for you.

Boom! You have now converted many listeners who basically listen to your music and then forget about it into potential fans. What’s even more powerful about this is that, you already have the ability to contact them again in the future!

If you feel this is complicated, don’t forget that you can always count on us =)
Read similar articles on our blog.

Have a great day!


Article originally appeared on Music Think Tank (
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