How to REALLY Get Your Music on Blogs: Defining Your Music, Your Lifestyle, and Your Fans
June 14, 2010
Chris Bracco

Music blogs have become an extremely effective medium for artists to garner positive, and sometimes career-changing exposure for musicians. Getting featured on a blog can cause significant boosts in music and ticket sales for an artist, and there are tens of thousands of new music blogs springing up each day. The potential reach for your music in the blogosphere is HUGE! However, getting featured on blogs is a very meticulous and time-consuming process. Blog promotion can be frustrating at first, but if you are persistent and work hard at it, the benefits for your music career can be astronomical. As with anything, it’s important to have a plan before taking the leap.

When deciding to start a blog promotion campaign for your music, it is important to FIRST take a few minutes to really think hard about yourself, your music, and your fans. What makes your music so special, and different than everybody else’s? Bloggers will usually only feature music that is high quality, and that stands out from the rest of the pack.

Grab a pen, whip open a notebook, and jot down some defining words about you and your music, using the following categories:

I decided to take a few minutes to write down some defining characteristics about The Formatters (some guys I jam with occasionally). Here’s some of what I came up with… 

What kinds of words did you come up with? Many of these words will become important keywords that you will use when searching for blogs to reach out to, so keep that list handy.


This post is part one of the “How to REALLY Get Your Music on Blogs” blog series here on Tight Mix. You can download the entire series for free in the form of a .pdf e-book here.

In part two of the “How to REALLY Get Your Music on Blogs” series on Tight Mix, I will be discussing the best ways to go about searching for blogs related to your music and your lifestyle.
Article originally appeared on Music Think Tank (
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