When Belgian indie poppers Palomine finished the recordings of their second album “Attention Alpha”, they made a commitment to themselves: instead of immediately putting the album out officially, they want at least one person of every country in the world have the chance to have a listen to it.
Video messages
Palomine starts the project “The world is listening”. They collect video messages from at least one person from every UN-related country (194 + The Vatican). In the video message, people say something about themselves, something about their country and something about Palomine. In their own native language.
At www.theworldislistening.com all video messages are catalogued per country. A geographical map is installed on the page to look up all the video messages.
Free pre-release
People who upload a video message, receive a personal login code to download the pre-release of “Attention Alpha” for free.
At the moment of writing, Palomine received already video messages from over 60 different countries!
Palomine hopes to have all countries covered in january-february 2010.