Smartphones for Audiophiles: How to Get Music on Your Phone
March 30, 2015
Cherie Nelson

Over the last decade, smartphone technology has completely redefined how people communicate and access information. It also has had a huge impact on the way people create and listen to music. Let’s take a look at some of the latest accessories that help audiophiles and musicians get the most out of their smartphone.

For Musicians

Whether you’re a professional with gigs booked for months in advance or a novice who's just starting out, there’s nothing more convenient than using your smartphone to enhance the composition and recording of your music. The company IK Multimedia has a whole range of products that plug directly into your iOS or Android device.

For Listeners

Aside from helping musicians record their music, smartphones have also redefined the way people listen to their favorite songs. For example, someone with a smartphone on the T-Mobile network can choose from a wide variety of streaming music apps without using all of his or her data with its Music Freedom program. And, when a smartphone is paired with the right Bluetooth speaker, you can have an impressive portable audio setup.

Article originally appeared on Music Think Tank (
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