I love making a difference. When musicians come up to me at conferences or at gigs and say “Thanks for writing your book, it really helped me learn how to market and promote myself more effectively.” Or, They say: “I read your articles online and they really help me and my band.” It makes my day.
So, when my former housemate (and GM of the Fox Theatre in Boulder CO) Bill Bennett called me last year and asked me to be on the board of Sweet Relief, a charity I have long admired I jumped at the chance.
It’s all over the news these days: Approximately 15% of Americans are without health insurance, but when it comes to musicians that number sadly exceeds 45%; and that when faced with a medical emergency or disabling event there are very few resources for support that a musician can turn to. Since 1993 Sweet Relief Musicians Fund has been a strong and steady resource for professional musicians struggling with illness, disability or age related problems; but they can’t do it alone and the shrinking economy has made it that much harder for them to help (read: fewer people are donating individually).
So, I would like to ask you for a favor today and for the month of June….
It will take less than 30 seconds of each day and you will help save the lives of musicians in need.
Sweet Relief has qualified for the Pepsi Refresh Project. During the month of June they will be competing for one of ten $50,000 grants with the winners being determined by number of votes. Participants can vote once per day until June 30th. By visiting http://pep.si/votesweetrelief and voting helping to preserve one of the few resources that a professional musician can turn to for support when there is no place else to go.
As a thank you in return I offer you a copy of my ebook the Recession Proof Musician so that you will never have to be faced with the problem of having to turn to a charity for medical help.
1. Vote for Sweet Relief (every day if you can) and spread the word via Twitter, FB, MySpace
2. Download The Recession Proof Musician from me to you (just enter your email address and it will be delivered to your inbox - its not mentioned on the site but it’s there for you).
Thanks for making a difference.
Hang With Sweet Relief:
Facebook Causes Page: http://bit.ly/sweetreliefcauses