The 7 Fundamental Steps To Cover Band Success (Part 2 of 2)
October 29, 2014
Brad Lazarus
This is the second of a two parter. In the first post I ran through the fundamental difference between building a fanbase and getting leads. If you’re in a cover band and want bookings for lucrative private and corporate events then you need leads and enquiries from prospects most likely to want to pay for your performance.
Check out the first post here. In this second post I’ll run through fundamentals 5 to 7…


5. Start thinking about what you thought were costs as an investment.

In general the quickest way to find a client is broadly speaking to put a paid ad in front of them. Most bands won’t do it because they see it as a cost rather than an investment. But if I told you that you could spend 50 bucks to secure a booking for 1000 bucks you’d do it all day long wouldn’t you?


Well you can.


And you should. I’ve been doing this for years with my cover bands. The most cost effective form of generating inquiries is Google Adwords. It’s the most incredible tool to help you grow your booking numbers. Most bands either run scared of it or their wallet is rinsed by it and they never come back to it. That gives you a massive advantage to literally dominate the search results in your local area. It takes time and effort to get right but when you get it right it will serve you with new leads and inquiries for years to come. 


6. Convert more inquiries into bookings. 

Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that just because you got some inquiries that your job as a marketing and sales person is done! You’ve worked seriously hard at your promo material, your website looks the business and you’ve spent some money and time going out and generating inquiries. You now need to give yourself the very best chance of converting the inquiries you get into paying bookings.




Start by being quick. Respond to inquiries at least the same day if not within minutes. Do this and you’ve already got yourself an advantage over other bands chasing the same booking who take up top two days to respond. Next send a quote that actually sells the band. Your quote must be more than just how much you cost. Include some testimonials, FAQs, details about what’s included in the cost eg PA, lighting etc. They’ve made an enquiry about your band. Think about what that means…. They’ve searched online, found your site, liked your band enough to fill in a form on your website and send you an email requesting more info. So don’t be scared to offer them detailed information. They’ve asked you for it.


Take every opportunity to pick up the phone, speak to them and build a relationship. They are likely very busy people. Their event planning ‘to do’ list is long so make sure you follow up at least 2 or 3 times over the next 4 to 6 weeks. Be there when they are ready to book you. 


7. Create an amazing experience for your client so that they can’t wait to tell the world about you.

It’s important to understand that your client is taken on a journey when they book you. Just thinking that you’ll put on a great show for them misses the point. Thing is that they are expecting you to put on a great show. It’s why they booked you.


Think about how you can go above and beyond delivering a great show. Make your client feel special and loved. Do something unexpected that’ll ‘surprise and delight’ them. One of the simplest things you can do is send a hand written thank you card once the booking is completed or send them a wedding congratulations card.
I’ve always sent a welcome pack once the booking is completed. It includes a CD, a welcome cover letter and some chocolates as a little gift. Clients absolutely love it.


There is a selfish reason for doing this though. The better the experience your client has in your hands the more referable you become. Referrals are the best types of inquiries you can get. They convert to bookings at least at double the rate of any other type of inquiry. That’s got to be worth the effort.


Are you ready to take your cover band to next level?
Download my free guide ‘Cover Band Essentials - 5 Free & Easy Killer Tactics & Strategies To Get More Bookings & Dominate Your Competition In The Current Economy’



Brad Lazarus has been managing and marketing cover bands for 10 years. He is the founder of a blog and podcast dedicated to helping musicians in cover bands increase their bookings and multiply the income they receive from them. 

Article originally appeared on Music Think Tank (
See website for complete article licensing information.