This is the second in my series of “mix tips” articles. You can read the first here.
Most mix engineers don’t hear the bottom octave (20-40 Hz) because their monitors can’t produce it. Unless your room is 300 square feet or larger, and professionally tuned, adding a subwoofer will probably do more harm than good. Whether or not you can hear it, it’s important to balance the sub bass with the rest of the mix. You want deep full tone from the bass and a healthy “chest thump” from the kick without blowing out any speakers.
A common DIY solution is to simply roll off the whole mix with a highpass filter (HPF, also known as a low cut or LC), but that’s ugly and imprecise. Even if the frequency and slope of the filter leave an appropriate amount of sub, the EQ will color the mix, usually in an undesirable way. Instead, we want to sculpt the low end on a track-by-track basis, balancing out the sub bass and shaping competing elements to produce a clear and powerful foundation for your mix.
We can’t always hear what’s down there, but with the right tools, we can see it.
TIP 2: Use a frequency analysis plug-in to cut unnecessary bass
My personal favorite is Voxengo SPAN, which you can download for free. It’s a VST plug-in for Windows only. Perhaps someone could recommend a Mac alternative? I know Waves has their PAZ Analyzer, but I’m not sure it’s up to the task. Configure the plug-in as follows:
The screenshot above was taken during playback of my song “We’re Not Getting Any Younger.” It’s a good example of how a healthy mix should look (if I do say so myself). There’s no extra garbage below 20 Hz, and the lows carry most of the energy, with a gently falling slope all the way to 20 KHz. It didn’t start that way though! Check out the synth bass before EQ:
See all the extra energy below 20 Hz? Without getting into a technical discussion of DC offset (which nobody I know, myself included, seems to fully understand), we don’t want that. I call it “the snake” because of the way it undulates during playback. We want to cut off the head of the snake (the subsonic peak) with a HPF. Without further ado, here is my four-step method for sculpting the low end of a mix:
On synthesizer tracks, you might be able to address the issue at the patch level. The Access Virus is the worst offender, but it’s easy to balance the sub bass by turning down the suboscillator (Osc3). On the other end of the spectrum, Native Instruments FM7 and FM8 have a habit of producing nasty spikes in the 17-18 KHz region, which can be tamed with a LPF.
The result is a mix with tight, clean, punchy bass. Best of all, if you clear the subsonic clutter from just the offending elements of your mix, your mastering engineer won’t need to roll off the whole thing. I’ve got a $1,500 EQ (the Algorithmix PEQ Red) that I bought just for its low cut filter. It does a remarkable job, but it’s still a compromise.
Below are unmastered clips of three songs from my new album, with and without low cuts on individual tracks. While you may initially prefer the “no low cut” versions simply because they have more bass, listen for the clarity of the individual elements in each mix.
We’re Not Getting Any Younger (no low cut)
We’re Not Getting Any Younger (low cut)
If Not Now When (no low cut)
If Not Now When (low cut)
Behind the Rhine (no low cut)
Behind the Rhine (low cut)
Brian Hazard is a recording artist with fifteen years of experience promoting his seven Color Theory albums. His Passive Promotion blog emphasizes “set it and forget it” methods of music promotion. Brian is also the head mastering engineer and owner of Resonance Mastering in Huntington Beach, California.