MTT Radio
July 22, 2009
craig dalley

Ive been a reader of this site for some time now, and today i jump online and discover a new feature MTT radio! Im thinking this could be amazing! What an opportunity to reach what i deem to be some of the brightest minds in the industry and maybe just maybe meet some amazing artist along the way. So naturally i head on over……i went through almost every song. I listened to around 20 to 45 seconds of the beginning of each song and i was so dissapointed. This is just my opinion, and i really dont want to offend anyone there were some good songs on there. I am tired of music, its not GREAT anymore. theres always pieces missing for it, and im not referring to work ethics or business practices. Im saying within the music itself theres so much lacking. if it was passionate music maybe the members lacked the talent, or maybe it was the opposite. If the music we well written maybe it was recorded terrible. Its just not great anymore. It feels to me that very few people try or have the ability to truely have the whole package, the stuff that makes timeless incredible music. I write this not to criticize someone elses heart and soul that they put into the music, but rather to ask every musician, what do you expect form music? Do you write as a release of emotion, or are you the kid who wants to be in a band cause its cool? Or are you the person who thinks they are going to change the music….. Either way musicians as a whole i think we need to aim higher.

“Aim for the stars and maybe you’ll reach the sky.”
- Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971)

Article originally appeared on Music Think Tank (
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