Complete Guide to Compression By Rob Jones
September 26, 2014
Producertech in Producertech, Rob Jones, compression, music production, online compression course

Nearly half a century after the introduction of one of the most famous audio compressors in existence, the UREI/ Universal Audio 1176 Peak Limiter, Producertech are proud to introduce our Complete Guide to Compression, taught by Course Director and experienced producer Rob Jones. A graduate of the renowned Tonmeister Course at The University of Surrey in the UK, Rob has experience in production from both sides of the mixing desk and, as an Ableton Certified Trainer, is ideally qualified to give students a thorough understanding of both the technical and practical aspects of one of the most useful tools in mixing.

Much used but rarely fully understood, compression (alongside equalisation) is found on every channel on practically every mixing desk, as a default plugin in every DAW and on every record commercially produced. As such, it is one of the most important effects when mixing, allowing the producer to maintain complete control over the loudness and character of parts, to ensure the mix is as tight and professional sounding as it can be.

The course starts by giving you a basic understanding of the parameters found on every compressor, including examples of their effects on dynamics and frequency, demonstrating how different settings can alter the sound both positively and negatively. Students learn how to use a compressor both as a precision tool and as a creative device, with specific examples and aural and visual demonstrations, to help get the most out of a mix.


Once signed up, lessons are available immediately after purchase and are accessible 24/7/365, with help from other students and tutors on the Producertech forum available when needed. In addition, the course comes with the Live projects from the course and detailed written notes, explaining all of the concepts and techniques taught on the course.


To find out more about this online course, visit the course page, watch the trailer and the free sample module:

Course Page:


Sample Module:

Article originally appeared on Music Think Tank (
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