Every Piece of Music Has a Story
September 27, 2011
Dmitri Vietze in Creativity, Music Video, Technology, berimbau, dance dance revolution, iPad, iiPad, joystick, mikael mutti, pandeiro, wii

Every piece of music has a story. Mikael Mutti reverse engineers found electronics and game controllers to create instruments.

“When I find things like this, I am like a child. When I found that circular keyboard in New York, I immediately started playing it like a pandeiro (Brazilian hand drum) and the guy at the store was like, ‘what the %^(+!’”

This piece of music was made entirely with the controllers you see in the video. Featured controllers include Rockband Guitar /iPad hybrid (named “Teresa” for his grandmother), Beamz laser motion sensor (named “Wilson” because it’s shaped like a “W”), office telephone made by MIDI Japan, round keyboard PC game controller made by Wolf King, Wii remote as a berimbau (Brazilian capoeira percussion bow), Dance Dance Revolution floor pad, and the cheapest joystick he could find made by Genius. His controllers run via bluetooth and USB to his laptop running Reason and Pro Tools. 

Amplify your story


Article originally appeared on Music Think Tank (https://www.musicthinktank.com/).
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