With a growing community of over 800 million users, Facebook clearly shows its digital dominance. As with all good things the bigger you are the harder you fall. Facebook has a large growing issue to which they do not provide any form of assistance past the help center.
Which brings me to my next point & purposes for writing this. I recently have been contracted for digital music sales by an independent record label & shortly after logging in my problems began. Facebook booted me from the system & now continues to send a code to my clients’ old phone number he no longer has access to. This has gone on three weeks now & I am not the only one it has happened to. Facebook has grown too big for its own good because it can no longer respond to consumers. Yes Facebook is a free service & they do not need to offer support for all 800 million of us but more options would be nice. As Facebook continues to grow past the clouds it has to be aware of its roots. “Facebook’s mission is to give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected.” If Facebooks users are not happy due to a lack of help people will begin to leave the system. I’ve Gone as far as submitting a fake job application simply to talk to an employee but no response. Youtube & Google are also offenders of not being able to help their users. My proposed solution to the big 3, charge $10.00 to those who cannot find help in your pages forums. WIN-WIN we get the help & they get new revenue streams. Do the basic math, 5% of users paying for help which adds up to $400,000,000. So who wants to open a customer support center & help me out?