How to Use Facebook Events to Promote Your Shows/Tour
July 6, 2012
Simon Tam in Event, Marketing 101, Music Strategy, Tips, Touring, basic marketing, email marketing, event management, events, facebook, facebook page, independent music marketing, music business, tour, touring, tours

If you’re like me, you’re bombarded with Facebook event invitations everyday. Most of them are for events out of town and I end up blocking/ignoring the people or pages that continue to send this spam out. However, every once in a while, I get a great reminder of something: an old friend playing a show in town, a birthday party, a wedding, and so on. It’s not all bad. So let’s talk about how you can use Facebook events properly to promote your gigs. Follow these steps:

Whenever you use a tool like Facebook Events, try injecting some creativity and extra thought into the process. If you respect your friends enough to not drop spam on them for every show, they’ll pay more attention to your updates/invitations. Remember, this still has to do with your music’s branding so take the extra time to do it well!


Simon Tam is owner of Last Stop Booking and author of How to Get Sponsorships and Endorsements. Simon’s writing on music and marketing can be found at He is on Twitter @SimonTheTam 

Article originally appeared on Music Think Tank (
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