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Entries in long tail (2)


long tail music sales stats

Mark Mulligan - Jupiter Research writes

The long tail is dead: Frank Taubert of 24/7 said that three million out of his catalogue of 4.5 million songs hadn’t ever been played, not even once. 24/7 power a lot of stores and services but also include key mobile services such as Omnifone’s Music Station.

various music industry stats

From The Long Tail (click to read full article)

  • Concerts and merchandise: UP (+4%)
  • Digital tracks: UP (+46%)
  • Ringtones: UP (+86% last year, but probably just single-digit percent this year)
  • Licensing for commercials, TV shows, movies and videogames: UP (Warner Music saw licensing grow by about $20 million over the past year)
  • Even vinyl singles (think DJs): UP (more than doubled in the UK)
  • And, if you include the iPod in the music industry, as I’d argue a fair-minded analysis would: UP, UP, UP! (+31% this year)
  • Only CDs are down (-18%). They’re around 60% of the industry not including the MP3 players, but just around 25% if you do include them.