
Welcome to The Indie Maximum Exposure 100
Below you will find 100 valuable pieces of advice (in blog form) that every artist should consider.
Visit our friends at HypeBot to obtain a PDF of the Indie Maximum Exposure 100. The Indie Maximum Exposure 100 was created by a team of industry experts and by artists that are making a full-time living from their music.
If you have a suggestion, and/or you would like to be considered as a contributor when we update this list, please leave a comment under this post. Otherwise, you are welcome to leave a comment under each of the 100 posts below.
Thanks to Ariel Hyatt and her staff for working tirelessly to put this list together.
Reader Comments (9)
Excellent list Ariel & Company. My only suggestion is that indie artist should be encouraged to write a business plan that includes these components. Reading this list and verbalizing its contents can get tricky if not written down on paper. Thanks to you and your team for their hard work and effort.
Combine #1 and #4 -- they're essentially the same point.
Also, the recommended podcasts at the end seems like filler -- either expand it into an actual guide to podcasts, rather than plugs for the people you're working with, or just pull that section altogether.
This is a pretty awesome experiment right here...I dig the formatting and open approach.
Congrats on this excellent list that I'll pass along to everyone I can. I'd love to contribute to the next one - encouragement and the why and how to become business people too. Thanks!
This is just the most useful blog in the world!
Thank you so much for posting everything you've ever posted. You're awesome!
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