2014 MelodyFusion.Com Band Gear Give Away
Hello Al! It’s back, it’s free, and it’s bigger and better then ever. MelodyFusion’s 2014 Band Gear Give Away is back with way more chances to win (over 14 winners this year and mini give-aways every month starting in April).
Yay, another “Band Gear Give-Away”!
The last “Band Gear Give-Away” was such a great success that we’re doing it again! It is really simple to play: you are automatically entered if/when you join Melody Fusion. By promoting your music and gigs or discovering and reviewing other’s tracks, you automatically stack up entries.Think of it this way - MelodyFusion is helping you, help yourself, by offering such a nice GRAND PRIZE to promote your tunes or find and listen to new music…it’s ALL FREE!
We are going live TODAY, March 17 2014. The WINNER will be picked at midnight GMT* February 28, 2015 by random drawing from all participants. (GIven that is a Saturday night, the announcement will probably the following monday) The way it works though is the more entries you have, the higher your chances! You can track who is leading the entry race on the leader-board.
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