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Do We need a NEW Myspace?

Almost a decade ago Myspace was at the top of it’s game. It was not only a new way for users to interact with other users through bulletins, comments, and messages it was a social mecca. I mean heaven forbid you moved someone down from the number 1 spot on your top 8 and connection between bands was just as strong. 

DIY was always around and DIY will never die but Myspace gave DIY a steroid boost. Unlike most social networking sites bands and artists alike could reach out, talk to and add users without being deemed “spammers.” Bands could also track their daily hits and track plays and by those results be ranked on their performance on the Myspace Music charts.  Granted a lot of abuse began and bands began to inflate their stats but bands were getting noticed. By noticed i don’t mean just regular listeners noticed I mean label noticed. Artists like The Ready Set, Hollywood Undead, Jeffree Star and others would not have received the major label deals they received without their presents on the social giant. During that time the bands that i listed above flourished and did extremely well. 

Today band’s have no social hub, no playground, no musical prom court. The struggle to be heard is beyond that and we have not established a good replacement for the Myspace Music void. Granted yes there are other sites that offer hosting like soundcloud and bandcamp and their are other sites where users can be social like Twitter and Facebook but these lack the wild west atmosphere of Myspace.  Where do we go from here? What site will be the new hub for all that is music crashes head first into a popular social site that users actually go to. I don’t know, but i do know for the sake of the musician we need one.

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