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Entries in Ableton Live courses (1)


UK Ableton Live Training Weekends

The Producertech team are excited to announce these in-class teaching events, starting this month with 2 Ableton Live weekends by certified trainer Rob Jones. These weekends, one for Beginners and one for Advanced level users, include 2 full days of training on Ableton software and music production in general, as well as instruction on Ableton’s control surface Push, free online courses and £100 worth of samples from Loopmasters.
Located in Producertech’s new UK headquarters, the Echoplex Studio complex in Eastbourne, these events allow students the opportunity to interact directly with certified trainer and online course creator Rob Jones, while he teaches the ins and outs of Live in detail to a class of no more than 16 people. Throughout the day, there will be exercises set, which students can carry out on the provided workstations or their own laptops, along with in-depth group and one-to-one mentoring to maximize students’ experiences and learning.

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