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Entries in best compressor plug in (1)


Best plugin compressor

This is a common search term and it applies to all plugins for audio production and not just compressors. Most home music studios rely on software in order to process recorded audio tracks within the realms of a digital audio workstation. There must be literally 1,000’s of plug ins on the market such as equalizers, compressors, stereo width adjustment, de-essers etc. Some are purely digital in nature and some seek to emulate analog hardware.

Many of these plugins are created by well known developers and some are made by just a one man operation. With such a vast range of plug in types to choose from what is the best way to ensure you set yourself up with the best sonic tools for the job. Well it will come as little surprise that listening is the real way to ensure that you choose the best tools. Of course we can all hold pre conceptions of what tools will add ‘analog warmth’ or provide clarity and punch and sometimes this is a good place to start from. Try and clarify what the goal is with any given purchase and then narrow it down to the 5 plugins that you feel are going to serve your needs best.

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