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Entries in confidence (1)


How to Master Confidence On-Stage in 3 Easy Steps

If you have ever held back in a performance and left the stage feeling that you know you could have done better and can’t understand why you didn’t just go for it, then you will get what I mean when I say that confidence on stage can be the difference between a fantastic performance and a lacklustre one.

Yet confidence is one of the things that so many singers struggle with and it is something that is never really talked about. You’re just expected to be born awesome and put on a great show and not doubt yourself, but there isn’t a musician alive who wouldn’t doubt at least one aspect of their performance.

Just as stage craft, musicianship and songwriting are skills that are learned, confidence is no different. Let’s have a closer look at how you can master confidence on stage if you break it down into three easy steps:

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