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Entries in LinkedIn for musicians (2)


Musicians Guide To LinkedIn - LinkedIn Marketing Strategy (part 2)

If you haven’t already gone through part 1 of the series, go read this first: Marketing with LinkedIn - Harnessing The Full Power of LinkedIn. Now let’s pick back up with some LinkedIn Marketing Strategy: 2) How to use LinkedIn Groups (a very powerful, one of the most powerful social media channels) effectively. 3) How to drive free traffic from pre-qualified, interested leads to your website, music pages, and sales pages.

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Musicians Guide To LinkedIn - Getting LinkedIn Like a Pro!

Why you SHOULD, and how you CAN harness the marketing power of LinkedIn to connect with industry professionals, engage and attract new fans, and build valuable contacts. This guide will empower you with the expertise to use LinkedIn like a pro. It will go a bit deeper than what you’re already familiar with,  and will uncover insight into the primary social networking properties everyone must be on, where LinkedIn connects to the puzzle, and why it is so powerful. I will probably have to break this up into a two part article series because we’ll be covering so much stuff.

COOL. What am I going to Learn?

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