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Entries in nurture creativity (3)


Help! I have writer's block and I want to kill myself

As music producers we all love writing in our DAWS (Digital Audio Workstations) right? Then why is it so hard to get anything done? All those facilities sitting right in front of us, a collection of instruments and effects that would have seemed a fanciful dream just ten years ago… you’d think it should be child’s play to come up with the most amazing tunes at the click of a mouse.

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Freedom Through Self-Reliance

To think that nothing is original anymore is to disregard the individual’s genuine emotion, brought upon by his or her unique circumstance, that which fueled the need to create art and invent technologies. It also leads to people overlooking future innovators, while extravagantly idolizing past innovators. I see this happening all the time on Facebook. Listeners post music and videos of “the greats” from the past, as if the high point in music had already come and gone. And listeners who post new music for their Facebook friends to see are faced with a social network full of musical cynics and skeptics.

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Is Perfectionism Choking your Project's Music Creativity?

Ah, the Inner Editor of perfectionism…we all have one. Some of us know how to keep this guy in a straight jacket but others seem to let him bounce around the walls of our studio, whining and complaining about every detail until he’s left us tired and uninspired. There’s a time and place to let your Inner Perfectionism have the reigns but when you’re first working on a production or creating new music it is not the time. As creative people we all have to learn the mental personality called the Inner Editor and choose to control him and use him what he’s made for: Editing. If you are not editing but actually CREATING then the Inner Editing should be locked in..

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