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Entries in rehearsal (2)


Garage Band: 5 Unique Places to Have Band Practice

Almost every band, whether famous or just starting out, understands the struggle of finding and maintaining adequate rehearsal space. When the money and relationships necessary for a band to thrive are all but non-existent, a little creativity may help the band stay afloat.

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PRE SHOW MADNESS! 5 Things Not To Do the Day Of Your Show

When you start a band, there are a lot of things to worry about before playing your first show like rehearsal, promotion, starvation, etc. Even if you have your sh*t together, there are still some things that you cannot prepare for. So, for the sake of making your band huge and successful, here is a list of things NOT to do the day of your very first ever show! And yes, these are all based on true events…

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