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The Musician's Secret Weapon

“Life can be very, very hard for a musician. You’re competing against millions of others, desperate to be heard over all the noise. And you’ve got no money.

But you’ve got a secret weapon. To outsiders, the music industry is sexy. People with day jobs are fascinated with the mythos of “The Rock Star”.

Make the person you’re talking to feel this. Make them feel like a part of this world.

If you give people a story with them as a hero, they will help you. Much more so than you would ever expect.”

- Patrick Keel, one of my mentors. I didn’t remember his exact wording, so I rephrased it with a little of my own flourish.


Derek an MBA and is the bassist for Onward We March, set to release their debut EP The Golden Vine on January 28th. He is currently helping co-write a book on building electric guitars.

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