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Entries in ambient music (2)


The Rise And Evolution Of Ambient Music: New Forms And Applications

Ambient music kind of gets a bad rap, with many occasional listeners equating the genre to elevator music. Yet ambient music is so much more, and its applications are far-reaching. Today, ambient music is growing in popularity and evolving to encompass nontraditional musical instruments and nature-based sounds, including ocean waves, wind, and rain.

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Music For The Old-Soul In You

As terrible stories come on the news every day documenting horrific crimes and things that break your heart, your sense that you don’t belong to this world strengthens more and more. You are an old soul, one that believes that there’s more to life than this existing plane we live on. You feel it in everything you do, from the way you interact with others to the music you listen to — which in itself is a magical thing. How can the music you listen to help you feel more in touch with the spirit living inside of you?

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