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Entries in Budget Recording Techniques (2)


When Running A Record Label, Don’t Forget To Budget For Recoveries

Nothing is more fulfilling than opening your record label, getting your artist in the studio, laying down some tracks and mastering your final project. You’ve gotten investors involved who really believe in your project as much as you do and they’re putting a significant amount of money behind your company for both production and marketing. The only uncomfortable part about the whole process is that they have accountants, business managers and financial gurus working for them behind the scenes and they need you to put together a budget

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TrueDIY Tech: Channel Strips on a Budget

Ever feel that something is missing when you’re tracking vocals, guitar, or piano? Maybe the vocals sound dull on your mic-preamp or the high end of the acoustic guitar sounds brittle? While a mic preamp itself may give you a great representation of the actual sound of a vocalist or an instrumentalist, it isn’t always exactly what you want. It’s time to learn about channel strips.

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