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Entries in creativity (8)


Digital Hustle: 3 Ways To Dominate the Internet with Your Music

There is a huge demand for the unsigned artist to learn how to properly get their music to these new outlets. Here are 3 functions DIY need to know: music business management, public relations, & social media management.

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Creative Courage

Creativity is a given for all of us. I believe that all humans are creative beings, and just because you’re not making your living in the arts doesn’t mean you’re not doing something creative in your life. And if you’re not, you need to start right now.

Then take it a step further, because having the courage to let the world see and hear what you’re thinking or feeling is a completely different ballgame.

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Bob Lefsetz Tuned Into My Wavelength Today

He said ‘…every great artist will testify about frustration and insight, and if you haven’t been tempted to give up, your work is not worth a damn.’ In the article ‘Chance Favors The Prepared’, he talked about Jonah Lehrer’s book, “Imagine: How Creativity Works.”

I will probably never read that book. But I’ve lived it. In 2011, when I wrote songs everyday, I also tried to learn how to navigate the music industry.

I wanted to know how to properly register a song in all the appropriate agencies.


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Zen and the Fine Art of Perpetual Inspiration

The demands on our creative energies is high. The need for our content and ideas has never been greater. We know we need to write more, practice more, paint more, produce more and create more… but for many of us, all we have is a deficit of inspiration.

Where do you come up with all of your ideas? 
Where do you find your inspiration?
How the hell can you be consistently creative?

Embracing the Art of Zen can help.

Zen can be approximately translated as “absorption” or a “meditative state”. 

Once you allow yourself to be in a contemplative and reflective state, you will find inspiration literally everywhere.

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A Look at the Music Industry

Contrary to popular belief, file-sharing didn’t destroy the music industry.  It didn’t even change the industry.  It was people’s assumptions about the industry that changed the industry.  All file-sharing did was allow for these assumptions to become more apparent.

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The Box

Grabbing outside the box all the time means you’re constantly jumping ship, constantly searching for the next great thing. Great things never come from nothing. Isaac Newton had gravity in mind years before the apple hit his head.

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Creativity V Commercialism...

I’m a musician, not an actor… Do I have anything against actors? No… What I do feel passionate about is the abundance of heartless musical garbage that clogs the airwaves. So many people singing songs that have very little substance or meaning, the singers sound like they are not even convincing themselves. & even worse, they aren’t even pretending to try their hand at a bit of originality.

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Is Perfectionism Choking your Project's Music Creativity?

Ah, the Inner Editor of perfectionism…we all have one. Some of us know how to keep this guy in a straight jacket but others seem to let him bounce around the walls of our studio, whining and complaining about every detail until he’s left us tired and uninspired. There’s a time and place to let your Inner Perfectionism have the reigns but when you’re first working on a production or creating new music it is not the time. As creative people we all have to learn the mental personality called the Inner Editor and choose to control him and use him what he’s made for: Editing. If you are not editing but actually CREATING then the Inner Editing should be locked in..

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