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Entries in IRFA (1)


An Open Letter to My Senator, Ron Wyden, Regarding the Internet Radio Fairness Act

Senator Wyden,

I am writing regarding the Internet Radio Fairness Act. I am a musician, registered Oregon voter and participant in the Future of Music Policy Summit on November, 13 2012. In fact, I played the role of Oregonian #1 during your speech. I volunteered my time to contribute to the event and involved myself by managing the stage for the presentations, an activity I receive 20-35 dollars/hour for in Portland, placing me in a front row seat for the event. We met immediately before you began your speech. I am fairly certain you don’t know my name, it is Graham Smith-White. Given the nature of the government in these United States, I am not surprised by this. I most certainly do not think it positive, however. It is this discontent which moves me to write to you on the matter of the Internet Radio Fairness Act which you introduced to the United States Senate and supported in your presentation at the FMC Policy Summit.

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