35: Create Solidly Crafted, Well-Produced, Mastered Broadcast-Quality Songs
Well-produced music will attract more listeners and media makers. People want to be associated with quality. So even if you are ridiculously talented, if you didn’t spend the time or money have your album properly produced, mixed and mastered it will be stopped at the door. You have to be willing to go into debt or come up with a creative way to raise funds to have your music fine-tuned in post production. It’s a step that should not be overlooked.
- Derek Nicoletto

You can record in your garage but when it comes to mastering (and yes you need to get your CD Mastered) leave it to a pro. Who wants a thousand CD’s with problems in sound or that don’t play properly?
A fresh set of professional ears will do your CD wonders! Your fans will love you all the more.
Sound Your Best,
Adrian Carr
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