Content vs. Music
I began a little social experiment on June 1 this year to see what would happen if I posted to my website every day. Random stuff videos, freestyles, thoughts, etc. I think of the 150 posts I’ve made since then one was a formal release, my traffic is up 1,000% and I’m still investing on avg only 1 hour a day into my website. What I’ve come to realize is fans don’t neccesarily want music, they really just want content. As a fan of hip hop I consent to that feeling, I’m just as happy with a Jay-Z freestyle online that I’ve never heard as I am with an official release. Being an indie artist it’s much easier for me to create content than it is to create songs. I use a Kodak Playsport Camera the majority of my videos are 90 seconds or less and unedited. I do this because it allows me to be able to post more content. I’ve begun creating segments that have their own followings: there’s 2 Cents where I give my opinion on whatever issue I choose, I have Motivational Mondays where I give a tip for my fans to focus on for the week, Song of The Day which is pretty straight forward. This type of marketing is the slow grind, you really have to be loyal to your website in the begginning because it takes a while for people to become interested but once they do you actually have peoples undivided attention. 90 percent of the post on my website is about me, all exclusive content so I’m actually building a loyal fan base doing this. My last 5 blog post, write ups have come from someone coming to my website checking out the content and posting it on another site, which is want I want. I want to be the definitive source for the latest and greatest news about me. I’m gonna stick with wordpress.com for another six weeks then I’m going self hosted. If you’re not doing it already, take control of your domain. Don’t depend on the press to tell your story when you can tell it yourself www.robjay.com

Reader Comments (1)
I think you're right and wrong. It looks like your fans want more content. But I think your fans really want more YOU.
And you're right about going self-hosted. It's always better to own your stuff completely.