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Entries in Indie Ambassador TV (2)


Biz: Tour Preparation Checklist

OMG you’re going on tour? Congrats! It can be one of the best experiences of your life. However, if your tour isn’t managed correctly, that show in Austin, TX, that you’ve been looking forward to all these months might not happen. Have you changed your oil? Can your van make it the entire distance of the tour without breaking down? Have you confirmed ALL of your dates with the booking agent AND club manager? These are all things we’ll be covering in this article.

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Building a Side Project with Mathieu Santos 

It’s not uncommon for musicians to let the itch for further artistic exploration get the best of them. Some try out a different role in their current band, others go a step further and create their own side/solo project. The latter was the case with Ra Ra Riot’s Mathieu Santos. A founding member of the group and its bassist since 2006, Santos has come to be known as one of the most innovative bassists in all of the indie rock world. But that peer admiration wasn’t enough — Mathieu wanted to pursue a new creative outlet and did so by branching out on his own as a multi-instrumentalist. The result is Massachusetts 2010, Santos’ eclectic, colorful debut album released on August 2nd via Barsuk.

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