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Entries in Live Music Producer (2)


Amplage: 0.4 Small Word of Advice - Working as a sound engineer

Today I’d like to discuss with you some invaluable information about working as a sound engineer. Whether it is in the studio or as a live engineer you are always providing a service for a client/customer and you must do your best to accommodate their needs.

This rant is brought on by my music ventures of Friday. I went to watch some amazing musicians perform for a University event and the musical content was completely butchered by a tech team who seemed to be a bit in the dark of their job role. Then later on during the day I watched Evermore and Maroon 5 perform at Rod Laver where I saw some people who obviously are very much into their job and were in complete control of the situations.

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Wow! There are Giants in the Land!

I just had an incredible month! Sometimes my job is a combination of rewarding, fun, great music, great people, relationship building… and work! While a lot of my work is helping independent artists (which I love a lot) and teaching (like at New Music Seminar, or Berklee College of Music, or Canadian Music Week), I also work with some of the most well known artists in the world. While exhilarating, it can also be awfully stressful at times!

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