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Entries in musical education (2)


Seven Steps To Consider When Building A Music Teaching Website

If you really want to grow your teaching business, then you should really get a website.

Unless you are a really established teacher with a full timetable who relies on word of mouth and referrals, then you simply need a professional looking site to promote your business.

Here are a several things to think about…

1) Decide whether you want a site which keeps your playing career separate, or connect everything together

This first point is crucial and you shouldn’t rush this decision. If you have a busy performing schedule, then you might prefer a separate ‘teaching’ website.

Let me explain.

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Practical Music Theory

There’s some debate among musicians and songwriters about the value of learning music theory. At one extreme are those who feel that learning a set of “rules” will only limit their creativity, and at the other end are those who are truly interested in understanding how the parts of a musical piece work together.
Both extremes have some validity to their viewpoints, but they ARE extremes – most people fall somewhere in the middle. They see the value in knowing more than they do, but may be intimidated by the topic or may not see the value in knowing about it.

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