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Entries in keywords (2)


Using the right keywords when tagging your music!

My name is Marina Garza, I am the founder of TagTeam Analysis.  We tag music with helpful metadata that will aid in the discovery of your music from licensing companies and music supervisors looking for that specific track for that specific spot.  Just thought I would offer some insight on proper keywording for specific genres.  Using Industry Usage keywords to describe your music can be extremely helpful.  Below is some valuable info for artists that create in the genre of Folk, Americana and Country-Folk or Bluegrass:

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Hot Links! How Hyperlinks Can Make Your Music Easier to Find Online

Did you know that the hyperlinks you create can boost your search engine ranking and improve your web presence? It’s true! Using relevant link text when you link back to your website, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace etc. will boost and broaden the search ranking of the page you are linking to. These keyword-studded “backlinks” will make it easier for your fans to find your web pages in search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing because these pages will rank better in search results. And it only takes a few seconds to turn a boring “click here” link into a search engine optimized one. Now most musicians are at least somewhat experienced in authoring text links (also known as anchor links, hot links or hyperlinks). Often these links read something like:

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