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DJs That Use Pinterest

I’ve recently started a series on Pinterest & Music Marketing for DJs. For one reason, I’m addicted to this amazing social image sharing service and for a second reason, I would love to follow others that are passionate about music, find new jams and products.

I gave a peek at which music labels were using the new FREE marketing service and how they were using it to promote their artists and music.  In addition to their own marketing efforts, labels are encouraging some of their DJs and Producers to become active on Pinterest.  With Pinterest the possibilities are endless for a DJ, producer or labels looking to connect with other passionate people. Here are some examples of DJs currently using Pinterest:

Fathom dj

DJ Ron

DJ Casie Lane

Casie Millhouse-Singh is a DJ, Producer based out of Singapore. Her website aims to give fellow DJs and producers the knowledge and systems to define themselves on their own terms, break through stereotypes and get on with creating the most extraordinary life possible behind the decks, on the dancefloor and off.

The Crate is a unique, totally free program for DJs to increase online visibility, making connections, and stepping up their web presence. Every Tuesday, The Crate goes out with a quick action item, along with step-by-step video instructions to do in 10 mins or less. To sign up for The Crate pop on over here


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