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Entries in association (2)


The Songwriter’s Support System: A Resource Guide

As a songwriter, it’s tempting to fall into the trap of thinking that you’re a lone wolf; a struggling, solitary artist with nowhere to turn to for help.

Fortunately, that’s not the case. You’re not alone in this, and in fact, with a little digging it’s plain to see that there are a handful of wonderful resources and organizations available to support artists of all stripes. Whether you’re just beginning your career, or on the threshold of something great – our blog will give you an overview of key groups and programs that act as a saving grace for songwriters across the UK, US, and Canada.

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Branding by Association

Branding by association or Association branding simply means aligning your brand with products, places, and things that relate to or complement your brand. It almost plays into the popular saying that your parents used to tell you “you are only as good as the people you surround yourself with” or something like that. Brand association can effectively build your brands identity, and help your audience, tribe, or fans really get a personal feel for what your brand represents.

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