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Entries in beatles (2)


New Austin Music Reality Show to Focus on "Classic" Song Stories and Remakes.

Cover Me is a “Behind the Music” series based in Austin, Texas. It will feature a group of musicians and singers collectively known as “The Cover Kings”. The show is currently running a campaign on

This musical biography will explore some of the the greatest hit songs of our time and the artists that made them famous. Cover Me will examine some 90 iconic artists ranging from ABBA to ZZ Top, relate the story of the song and the artist - and then create a modern interpretation of the material. Combining new music technology and Austin’s world-class talent pool, the Cover Kings will create fresh versions of many hit songs from decades past and present.

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Frisco School of Music Students create band using iPads

The Frisco School of Music presents “iBand”. This is an advanced class taught by Gabriel Batista with all of the instruments being iPad Apps. All of the students are taking music lessons at the school and were able transfer those skills to the various iPad applications.

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