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Entries in Hit Song Science (2)


Redefining the "Hit Song"

Go to any service that reports “hit songs” and what you read is based on downloads, song sales or spins. How to determine the top spots on a “hit song” list was conceived by major record and radio industry players years ago; with the exception of adding “downloads,” it remains pretty much the same. Major record and radio industry players literally define “success,” and they keep the number of successful music groups low (to maximize profits).

The change is this: With an increase in internet music play and sales outlets over the past decade, tens of thousands of quality artists have an ability to reach fans in ways that are not measured. My hunch is that even if there were a universal system, the radio industry and record labels would refuse to acknowledge the numbers.

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Can You Predict A Hit? The 21st Century A&R Answer

On Saturday, Bob Lefsetz asked this question in his post located here.

I have dedicated the past 10 years (of my 20 in this business) to precisely this question - or as I ask it now, “How can we make the A&R process more efficient and more accurate?”

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