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Entries in optimism (2)


Thom Yorke and Nigel Godrich Might Be Getting old

The Music scene used to be for young people only, now to use the overused cliche 40 is the new 30, 30 is the new 20 and so on. As we all get older it is very tempting to look back and say that the music and the scene were better 5,10,15 years ago depending on our age. So if you are pushing 30 then I am sure that you have caught yourself complaining about the way the scene that you are into is changing and expressing your personal gripes to others that might actually care along with you. I bring this up because Thom Yorke and Nigel Godrich just gave a pretty candid interview with pitchfork…

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Is Indie Music Dead?

I hear all the time that music sales are dead and nobody pays for it anymore. Derek Sivers, of CD Baby fame, told me in an e-mail conversation that “the music business might end up kinda like the poetry business is today. That is: there are a few who are able to be full time poets, but nobody would get into poetry for the money.” If you had to ask me, though, I’d say there’s still hope as indie artists — we’re just not doing it right.

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