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Music Think Tank Open

Anybody (no really anybody) can contribute anything relevant to this page…All mp3s should be posted on the MTT radio page. If you cannot find your post here, your article may have been moved to the MTT homepage.

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Entries in panel (2)


Seeking Music / Fashion Panelists to speak 9/1 in Los Angeles Ca

The Western Conference Hip Hop Industry Mixer has established a reputation for bringing together one of the largest collaborations of America’s vocal artists, musicians, dance crews, DJ’s, MC’s, rappers, comedians & beat boxers in the R&B, Hip Hop, Urban/Gospel, Funk, Soul Krumping genres all tied in to the worlds best fashion show delivery.

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SXSW - Long On Experience, Short On Years

My name is David Jacobs and I consider myself somewhat of a veteran of SXSW. As a matter of fact, people tell me often they remember me there15 years ago, but these memories are quite hazy to me. Was I drunk? No. Actually, I was 8 years old. Now, at 23 years old, I find myself as the youngest person to ever appear as a panelist at SXSW.

I was born into the music industry, and have attended SXSW every year for the last 15 years. My father worked in the business and SXSW became a common family vacation. My earliest memories of SXSW are (what I now have been told to be) of epic parties my Dad threw at the Driskill Hotel, loud shows at Stubbs and bars that I was way too young to be in, playing cards and kick the can with drunken bands backstage, and perusing the swag bags for free toys.

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