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Entries in sxsw (4)


Musicians: Free Health Care Consultations Available Now

Are you and your team set up with ObamaCare yet?

Sure, it’s something we’ve been talking about ever since the launch of the initially problematic website. However, if you are a musician or represent musicians, DO NOT stop reading. It could end up costing you.

For musicians, it’s a matter of getting in touch with the right people, asking the right questions, and getting the right advice to avoid the unnecessary expense. Enter:

The organization has been running steady for 10 years, and started out as a platform to help register voters for the 2004 presidential election. Since then, they have successfully organized many socially conscious initiatives such as #SoundOff, a Twitter platform that allows anyone to tweet directly at Congress and create an open dialogue with lawmakers, nationally-broadcasted PSAs, and much more. Simply put, their mission is to promote participation and democracy through music.

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“The Great Hip Hop Hoax” Will Be Exposed At SXSW

“Imagine being English for over two years and describing where you went to school and the sort of food you eat and what the roads are like even though you’ve never been here.”

Jeanie Finlay suggested in an interview about her upcoming film The Great Hip Hop Hoax.  While this seems like a completely ridiculous and impossible idea, that’s precisely what Gavin Bain and Billy Boyd of Dundee, Scotland did.

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SXSW - Long On Experience, Short On Years

My name is David Jacobs and I consider myself somewhat of a veteran of SXSW. As a matter of fact, people tell me often they remember me there15 years ago, but these memories are quite hazy to me. Was I drunk? No. Actually, I was 8 years old. Now, at 23 years old, I find myself as the youngest person to ever appear as a panelist at SXSW.

I was born into the music industry, and have attended SXSW every year for the last 15 years. My father worked in the business and SXSW became a common family vacation. My earliest memories of SXSW are (what I now have been told to be) of epic parties my Dad threw at the Driskill Hotel, loud shows at Stubbs and bars that I was way too young to be in, playing cards and kick the can with drunken bands backstage, and perusing the swag bags for free toys.

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Intriguing SXSW - Attaching Yourself to the Known

Got back home, a song repeating in my head so i head to my nearest music service, this being Youtube.  I type in the bands abbreviation[it’s a long band name], knowing that what i am after will come up.  I’ve been here before…

I see a familiar frame so click on said video.

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