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Entries in contracts (3)


Music Artists Need CPAs, Not Just Lawyers

For musical artists just entering the entertainment business or long time veterans, having savvy legal counsel is a no brainer. Intellectual property damage, unpaid royalties, copyright violations and breach of contract cases are just a sampling of issues artists may face along the way. But when the question of financial damages comes into play – lost profits, reputation or something else - that’s when having a certified public accountant (CPA) on the team can really pay off. Whether a major label artist or an independent, consider these four reasons to work with a CPA.

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How Artists Should Deal with Auto-Renewing Contracts

It’s easy to fall into the routine of scrolling past terms conditions agreements without thinking much about them. However, they can often affect the future of your music, where it can be released, who controls it, and how it can be distributed. For example, a licensing agreement can change how future revenues are received (or waive future royalties entirely); a contract with one distributor might limit future opportunities with another; some sponsorship agreements will bind you/your band members to one specific type of product. These are all instances when you are limited by the choices made without full consideration of long-term effects.

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MINI: Music Business: It's a Dirty Game!

MINI: Music Business: It’s a Dirty Game! FULL COLOR eBOOK & INSERTS! Preview Chapters 1-6 for only $2.99 This MINI version is AVAILABLE NOW at the low cost of $2.99 Direct from for a limited time! See full color inserts showing firsthand some of the tactics used to deceive the masses and to hide the truth behind decades of abuse. FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF WHY AND HOW IT ALL BEGAN!

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