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How To Get More Fans Through Social Media

This post was written by Jon Ostrow ​and originally appeared on the Bandzoogle Blog.

Since the dawn of MySpace, musicians have been using social media marketing to generate buzz and get more fans.

And while this opportunity still exists today, the truth is that there are now more musicians, creating more content, than ever before.

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9 Things You Can't Ignore If You Want To Record A High-Quality Demo

This article originally appeared on the Sonicbids blog. 

A demo is the musical equivalent of the sketch a painter makes before he or she lays paint to canvas. It’s meant to be fast, lightweight, and easy to pull off – a way to quickly and cheaply capture your sound and represent as well as you can to your fans, labels, distributors, or basically anyone you hope to take you seriously as a band or musician.

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How The Right Lyric Can Fortify The Listeners' Creative Mind

The lyrics in a song are much more than just content. Constructing well-timed and well-placed lyrics is an art, which can set apart great songwriters from the average.

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The Power Of Promotion: How To Get Your Band's Name Out There

What does it take for your band to gain success? Some will say talent, others may say hard work and determination, but though all those things can help, the real secret to gaining success is promoting and advertising. Face it: there are thousands of amazing artists out there with raw talent and catchy riffs, but if they lack in advertising then they might as well be nothing to the rest of the world. So how does one promote? Here we narrow it down to the most essential tips to help you find your target audience.

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MusicThinkTank Weekly Recap: The Music Business Runs On Sushi


The Music Business Runs On Sushi - But Are You Doing It Right?

There are essentially three conversations going on in the music business today:

  • Will streaming ever replace record sales?
  • How can we get radio to make room for new artists?
  • Where’s the best sushi in town?

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Social Media Basics: Hashtags For Artists

If you’re an artist or a band that’s new to the world of social media, hashtags may seem confusing or pointless. These little symbols are a vital way for way people communicate and digest information online. Not only are they important but they can also increase your engagement rate and followers.

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The 3 Audiences Your Band Website Needs To Impress

This post was written by Allison Sharpe and originally appeared on the Bandzoogle Blog

As a band or musician, your website is one of the most important tools you have. It sets you apart from all the rest and gives you your own little slice of the internet to show off your music.

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Stage Decor Ideas For Your Next Big Performance

Incredible concerts are made through a variety of different factors; however the most dynamic factor is a stunning visual stage presence. The stage brings the entire event together on a backdrop of aesthetics, color, lights, and decorations. A dynamic stage environment creates a memorable experience for the audience to captivate their attention and transport them to a vibrant world of entertainment and excitement. These are the best stage decor ideas for your next big performance.

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MusicThinkTank Weekly Recap: Mistakes The Beatles Made


Mistakes The Beatles Made That Your Band Can Learn From

This article originally appeared on the Sonicbids Blog

The Beatles got a lot right. After all, you don’t become the most famous and beloved band in music history if you’re constantly effing up right and left. But they were also pioneers, close pals, big personalities, prolific talents, and – perhaps most surprising of all – only human, which means they made some mistakes along the way. Luckily, you don’t have to do the same with your band. Here are six lessons to learn from when John, Paul, George, and Ringo screwed up big time.

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Why Is The Music Industry Not Selling Music Like Hollywood Sells Movies?

What would happen if a blockbuster Hollywood movie went straight to TV, bypassing cinemas, DVD and cable networks? In the world of music there are no channels to ‘cinema’ release an album at the moment.

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5 Tips To Increase Your Chances Of Getting Press

Most music writers will agree: we get way too many press emails to actually read every single one. In fact, some are never opened. What can you do to make sure yours is seen? How can your band stand out in so thick a swarm?

Honestly, there are tons upon overwhelming tons of unread emails from publicists in my inbox. My freelancing schedule falls somewhere between part- and full-time, and I always say I’ll make time to read every one – but there are days when the best I can do is skim the subject lines. It’s unfortunate; a lot of music I’d probably love is overlooked entirely or discovered too late to for a story to make sense.

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The New Artist Model Approach To Musician Websites

Your website is arguably the most important piece of your online presence - it’s the glue that holds everything together. But it can be so much more than just the place you sell your music.

Your website can be a powerful funnel that drives your fans towards more engagement and helps them up the ladder towards superfans. It’s the place where you can convert people from casual fans to paying customers. And it’s the place where you can start more direct conversations with your fans as you grow your email list.

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