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Entries in gigs (8)


5 Ways to Get to the Front at a Gig

Ok, you are all going to think I’m crazy when I give you these tips because, yes, they are from real-life experiences.  

I’m a music buff - that’s just how I am. If I go to a concert and I make the silly decision to buy a standing ticket, I want to get the most out of it.

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5 Ways For The Working Musician to Make Money Online

Musicians like artists, graphic designers, film makers, or ony other type of freelancer as we all well know through YouTube and personal websites, work tirelessly on their online presence. This is now the forum where new artists get noticed, and frelance musicians and composers not only get work but also showcase talents and portfolios. For the archetype of the working musician as a jack of all trades, we all well know that gathering income from many sources is paramount to one’s financial and personal success. With all the work that one puts in to building up an online presence for the hope to get more gigs, more students, more downloads sold or whatever that may be, there is also secondary income sources that one can take advantage of from building traffic and a following, much like the savvy internet maketers strive for in their own commercial pursuits. Here are some approches in and out of the box.


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5 Things to Prepare Before Every Show

Most musicians have a knack for being prepared enough to get by, but not over prepared by any means. Most of the time nothing goes wrong and so you give your self a pat on the back for being ‘efficient’. I was one of those musicians for many years - until I saw a friends band work their arse off at a show, and reap a lot of benefit. Their secret? Preparation.

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Creating a Booking Contract or Performance Agreement

Last week, I received several questions about bands or venues cancelling last minute and what the repercussions were. Between that and taking law classes at night, I’ve had a lot of contracts on the mind. Hopefully this will help answer some of your questions about band contracts, if you need them, and how to create one.

I’ll cover some of the more popular questions below:

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What is a Booking Agent?

Playing live is one of the most important things you will ever do as an artist, there is no denying it. It’s where your reputation is built as an artist, where you gain new fans, how you can create a buzz – gigging frequently and to a high standard will set you apart from the crowd. There will be a point in your career when you have built a large enough fanbase to start headlining your own shows, begin to start looking further than your local clubs for shows, and maybe even start touring. This is when a booking agent comes in.


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5 Ways to Get More Gigs

I’ve written about how to find gigs numerous times on The Musician’s Guide, but in the past I’ve often focused on how to understand how promoters think and reverse engineering that process to get a higher success rate when contacting promoters. In this post I want to take a step back and share a few ideas on where you can find the opportunities to perform gigs.

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5 Features Of A Great Electronic Press Kit

Much like crafting a sound job resume, there are key features within an electronic press kit that are instituted for the best results. Learn the five requirements that every musician must include to create a powerful and effective EPK that will provide numerous booking, broadcasting, and licensing opportunities.

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Guerrilla Promotion; Building Better MI Relationships

Contacting music industry professionals can be easy if you have the right approach. Unfortunately, many independent artists do not use the right approach and have limited success. The Guerrilla Promotion tips in this post are designed to help musicians that find it difficult to get in touch with or to work with music industry professionals. If you find yourself leaving a lot of message that don’t get returned, or cant get people on the phone, this article may help.

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