12 Days of Monetization - A Summary of the 13-part Cyber PR Guest Post Series
I’m guessing that you may have already begun to make some resolutions for 2014 and I am also guessing that making more money from your art may have been on your list of resolutions… If this is the case (or if this sounds good to you) look no further! I reached out to some of my favorite colleagues in the business and I asked them to contribute an article that talks about “making money from your music” I left it fairly open and their responses are FANTASTIC! Here is a list of the topics and each one is a full length article.
Good luck in 2014! We can’t wait to see what you accomplish.
Ariel & Team Cyber PR
Day 1: 60 Do’s and Don’ts of Monetizing Your Life - Julie Flanders
This article was contributed by Julie Flanders, Achievement Expert and Creative Success CoachRecording artist and lyricist for October Project, a major–label turned independent artist with a worldwide following. Julie delves into the Do’s & Don’ts of monetizing your music.
Day 2: The Power of Positivity - Nikki Loy
Our super talented singer-songwriter friend Nikki Loy gives us insight into how to manifest good thoughts into real outcomes. She discusses how changing the way you think can change the outcome of what happens to you.
Day 3:Making Money from Live Shows - John Taglieri
Indie artist John Taglieri has released 11 albums, selling over 25,000 units, owns his own record label, publishing company, and studio, but 70% of his income comes from live touring. In this article, he discusses how and why you should focus on your live shows.
Day 4: How to Get People to Actually Buy Your Music - Debra Russell
Debra Russell, speaker and founder of Artist’s Edge, talks about the best ways to sell your music in the new digital age. She discusses the advantage of social media and making real, genuine connections with your true fans.
Day 5: Selling Direct-to-fan via Wordpress - Ross Barber
Ross Barber is a web designer who runs Electric Kiwi, a web design company that works primarily with artists in the music industry. He teaches you how to leverage your WordPress website to sell your music directly to your fans.
Day 6: 12 Ways to Make Money from YouTube - Jay Frank
Jay Frank, author and CEO of DigSin, gives you 12 ways to build an income stream from your underutilized YouTube channel.
Day 7: YouTube Monetization Through Advertising - Bobby Owsinski
Bobby Owsinski has written 23 books that have quickly become staples in music business programs in colleges around the world. Here, he gives us a few in-depth methods for monetizing your YouTube channel.
Day 8: What Will it Really Take to Make Money from Music? - John Oszajca
John Oszajca, singer-songwriter and founder of the Music Marketing Manifesto, talks about the popular “1000 fan” model and discusses how to start making a living once you get there.
Day 9: Connecting with Fans Through Contests - Corie Kellman
Our own Director of New Artist Relations Corie Kellman lets us in on how to connect with your fans through contests! Contests engage the fans and bring them together—everything you need to know here in this article.
Day 10: 4 Alternative Avenues to Monetize Your Music - Michael Shoup
Cyber PR friend and guide Michael Shoup offers up 4 alternative avenues to monetize your music; house concerts, office concerts, becoming an expert, non-tv syncs and licenses.
Day 11: Investing In Yourselves - Peggy Dold
In this inspirational article by Peggy Dold, you will learn the underappreciated value of investing in yourself, putting in the necessary time, money, and education to really achieve the goals you need.
Day 12: 5 Super Simple Steps to Make Money at Your Next Show - Madalyn Sklar
Madalyn Sklar is a music business coach and social media strategist who founded GoGirlsMusic.com. In this article, she teaches you five simple steps to make money at your next live show.
Bonus Day! It’s 2014. Time To Stop Starving and Start Living Empowered! – Jo-Ná A. Williams
Jo-Na Williams good friend of team Cyber PR + music entertainment lawyer lets us in on the top 5 ways to be unstoppable in 2014: Have amazing music, have an incredible brand, craft a business foundation, have a team, understand and implement marketing.
12 Days of Monetization - A Summary of the 13-part Cyber PR Guest Post Series
Reader Comments (1)
Great. CMS technologies like website in Wordpress development provides some of the great integrations to various 3rd party social sharing sites like youtube, facebook, twitter. Such integration helps updating the websites to social media. Thnx