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Entries in Radio (7)


Did streaming kill the radio star?

Right now, there are thousands of radio stations delivering music to every corner of the world, and around 4B Spotify playlists ready to be discovered and enjoyed. But when it comes to the artists and genres being played, just how different are streaming and radio?

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In the age of streaming, is radio still worth it?

Slap me with a walkman and call me a boomer, but I still listen to most of my music on the radio. Might be because I spend a lot of my time in the car, and when I’m driving, I’m switching radio stations more often than lanes.

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The Love Of Listening To Music And The Radio While Driving Is Not Dead

Be it running errands, commuting or driving to the other corner of the country, we invariably like listening to music and the radio in our cars.

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How Do Indie Music Blogs And Radio Survive? A Harsh Reality

How Do Indie Music Blogs and Radio Survive? A Harsh Reality. Over the past few years I’ve watched many indie music blogs and independent radio come and go like the wind. We often hear about supporting the artists, which is exactly what these independent platforms do. The people behind the indie platforms sacrifice their health, families, lifestyle and quite often go into debt struggling to pay for the necessary costs associated with running such platforms. MusicTalks recently ran a poll on twitter which asked the question; ‘What would you do if all the independently run blogs and radio disappeared? Who would you get to place your new releases, interviews etc. up?’

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No One Told Us We Had A Radio Hit In Poland!

When it comes to radio, the music industry is still primarily based on reporting. This means that mistakes and inaccuracies happens all the time. My vision is to have to a transparent music industry where music usage is based on monitoring, instead of reporting, so that in the future every artist will get compensated accurately and fairly.

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Is Radio Still Important – And Did Streaming Kill The Radio Star?

The music industry is caught up with streaming and playlists and with good reasons, but what about radio? How does the future look for the radio format and is it still relevant?

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Punjabi Language Gets A Boost From All India Radio 

The Punjabi youth loves its music, that is why millions of copies of the albums of Punjabi singers are selling every year in all towns and cities of the state. Recording studios are mushrooming all over the Punjab, especially in the cities of Jalandhar, Phagwara, Mohali and Chandigarh. Thus a new industry is emerging in Punjab. The private and govemment owned radio stations in Punjab are blaring strains of Punjabi music all over its landscape. This is one side of the story.


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