5 Dangers Of Becoming A Musician
Musicians have talent and passion. Although their jobs are rewarding, they may pose many risks. People may admire the lives of musicians because they may not have a nine to five work schedule. Musicians are also often associated with big paychecks, though that is not always true, of course.
On the surface, it may appear that the life of a musician is enjoyable, full of partying and entertainment. However, this may not be true. Even if it is, there are ups and downs. If you plan to embark on a career as a musician, you need to know some of the dangers that you may face. Here are five potential dangers of becoming a musician:
Hearing loss
Booming drums and blaring guitar amplifiers can cause hearing loss. If musicians rehearse and play music for four to eight hours a day, they face the risk of developing a hearing impairment. Prolonged exposure to earsplitting noise can cause hearing impairment and deafness. For example, the sound pressure created by listening to concert orchestras at close range can reach 130 to 140 dB (decibels). This noise level can be louder than sound levels in industrial environments.
Hearing loss symptoms begin with loss of the ability to hear relatively high-frequency tones and sounds. In order to compensate for this kind of hearing loss, musicians may try to play louder at higher pitches, which could lead to artistically unacceptable performances.
As the problem worsens, musicians may suffer from headaches, increased pressure, and fatigue. Some instruments or sounds may sound painfully loud, leading to tinnitus, a condition marked by ringing sounds in the ears.
Overuse, accidents, misuse, and anatomical differences may cause injuries in musicians. Tendons, vocal folds, muscles, and other body parts have limits. When people continue singing or playing despite the limits, they could experience overuse injuries.
Wrist injuries are one type of injuries seen in musicians. Tendons slide through sheaths in the wrists, where there is a lubricating fluid that reduces friction. Movement depletes this fluid, but resting should restore this fluid. Individuals who play instruments relentlessly without resting may risk depleting the fluid, causing injurious friction, pain, and swelling. If people do not rest or seek medical help, the pain can become chronic.
Relationship breakups
Although problems can occur in every relationship, musicians may have an increased susceptibility to marital and relationship troubles. Musicians may spend a lot of time traveling, which could create issues in their relationships.
The lifestyle of musicians may put them at risk of engaging in affairs outside the relationships they have at home. Strong communication is needed to help maintain healthy connections.
Lack of stable income
One of the biggest disadvantages of a career in music may be the lack of a stable income or steady schedule. While traveling may appeal to many musicians, the financial path may be uncertain. Unlike steadier jobs such as working in an office, musicians may not enjoy benefits such as retirement savings and health insurance. If they have erratic schedules without gigs, their ability to earn income may be reduced.
Many musicians struggle to make ends meet, even if they are composing, traveling, performing, and marketing themselves. It is important that they seek financial advice and plan appropriately for lean times when they might have fewer jobs and less income.
Unfortunately, the music industry is often associated with drug abuse. The emergence of the drug culture in the late 1960s highlighted the problem of drug use among musicians.
Some people say that some artists such as the Rolling Stones, the Beatles, and the Doors have glamorized the abuse of drugs. They argue that this connection has increased the appeal of drugs for young artists and fans. The downfall of musical artists such as Amy Winehouse, Whitney Houston, and Michael Jackson illustrated the destruction that addiction can cause.
Many musicians can tell their own stories about struggles with addiction. There are many situations that may set the stage for addiction among musicians. First, wealth and fame may make musicians targets for drug dealers. Musicians may be in social circles with people who sell drugs, making it difficult to escape the trap of using drugs.
The party atmosphere is also another reason why musicians may abuse drugs. Clubs and concerts are popular settings for drug and alcohol consumption. Some people believe that alcohol and drugs are natural partners of music and dancing.
Musicians can be role models for young people, meaning that whatever they do might influence lives other than their own. The environments in which musicians live and work may not foster a life of abstinence. So, extra effort is needed to prevent the abuse of drugs and alcohol. If you are a musician and you have been using drugs or consuming too much alcohol, you may need to seek help from a drug and alcohol rehab to begin treatment and lead a sober life.
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